Having trouble with your device?

Click your Ceras Health Device to view common questions

Italian Trulli

b300+ Smart Watch

Italian Trulli

b330 Smart Watch

Italian Trulli

b380 Blood Pressure Cuff

Italian Trulli

b700 Glucometer

Italian Trulli

b500 Smart Weight Scale

Italian Trulli

Ceras Empower

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Password Issues

    Password Reset 


    1. Click “Log in”
    2. Click  “forgot password” 
    3. Open your email and open your most recent email saying, “Ceras Health, Reset Your Password” 
    4. Once you open your email, click the red button that says, “Reset Password”
    5. A form will pop up and you will create a new password. 
    6. When you have completed the password form, click “get started”. A pop up message saying “Success, Password updated successfully”

    Mobile App

    1. Open the Ceras Mobile App and tap Access Health Data at the bottom of the screen.
    2. Tap “Forgot Password ??” at the bottom of the screen
    3. Enter your email address
    4. You will receive a 6-digit one time passcode to email.
    5. Go back to the app and enter the 6-digit one time passcode
    6. You will be guided to a password form.
    7. Tap “Confirm” once you have completed the password form. to save their new password
    8. Their health data will now be visible

Contact Customer Care

Press1 for help desk/Device Activation
Press 2 for Enrollment Center
Press 3 for Clinical Care Coordinator
email us at: support@cerashealth.com